ChainerRL Quickstart Guide

This is a quickstart guide for users who just want to try ChainerRL for the first time.

Run the command below to install ChainerRL:

# Install Chainer, ChainerRL and CuPy!

!curl | sh -!apt-get -qq -y install xvfb freeglut3-dev ffmpeg> /dev/null
!pip -q install chainerrl
!pip -q install gym
!pip -q install pyglet
!pip -q install pyopengl
!pip -q install pyvirtualdisplay
Extracting templates from packages: 100%

First, you need to import necessary modules. The module name of ChainerRL is chainerrl. Let’s import gym and numpy as well since they are used later.

import chainer
import chainer.functions as F
import chainer.links as L
import chainerrl
import gym
import numpy as np
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/cupy/core/ FutureWarning: cupy.core.fusion is experimental. The interface can change in the future.

ChainerRL can be used for any problems if they are modeled as “environments”. OpenAI Gym provides various kinds of benchmark environments and defines the common interface among them. ChainerRL uses a subset of the interface. Specifically, an environment must define its observation space and action space and have at least two methods: reset and step.

  • env.reset will reset the environment to the initial state and return the initial observation.
  • env.step will execute a given action, move to the next state and return four values:
  • a next observation
  • a scalar reward
  • a boolean value indicating whether the current state is terminal or not
  • additional information
  • env.render will render the current state.

Let’s try ‘CartPole-v0’, which is a classic control problem. You can see below that its observation space consists of four real numbers while its action space consists of two discrete actions.

env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
print('observation space:', env.observation_space)
print('action space:', env.action_space)

obs = env.reset()
print('initial observation:', obs)

action = env.action_space.sample()
obs, r, done, info = env.step(action)
print('next observation:', obs)
print('reward:', r)
print('done:', done)
print('info:', info)
WARN: gym.spaces.Box autodetected dtype as <class 'numpy.float32'>. Please provide explicit dtype.
observation space: Box(4,)
action space: Discrete(2)
initial observation: [ 0.03962616 -0.00805331 -0.03614126  0.03048748]
next observation: [ 0.03946509 -0.20263884 -0.03553151  0.31155195]
reward: 1.0
done: False
info: {}

Now you have defined your environment. Next, you need to define an agent, which will learn through interactions with the environment.

ChainerRL provides various agents, each of which implements a deep reinforcement learning algorithm.

To use DQN (Deep Q-Network), you need to define a Q-function that receives an observation and returns an expected future return for each action the agent can take. In ChainerRL, you can define your Q-function as chainer.Link as below. Note that the outputs are wrapped by chainerrl.action_value.DiscreteActionValue, which implements chainerrl.action_value.ActionValue. By wrapping the outputs of Q-functions, ChainerRL can treat discrete-action Q-functions like this and NAFs (Normalized Advantage Functions) in the same way.

[ ]:
class QFunction(chainer.Chain):

    def __init__(self, obs_size, n_actions, n_hidden_channels=50):
        with self.init_scope():
            self.l0 = L.Linear(obs_size, n_hidden_channels)
            self.l1 = L.Linear(n_hidden_channels, n_hidden_channels)
            self.l2 = L.Linear(n_hidden_channels, n_actions)

    def __call__(self, x, test=False):
            x (ndarray or chainer.Variable): An observation
            test (bool): a flag indicating whether it is in test mode
        h = F.tanh(self.l0(x))
        h = F.tanh(self.l1(h))
        return chainerrl.action_value.DiscreteActionValue(self.l2(h))

obs_size = env.observation_space.shape[0]
n_actions = env.action_space.n
q_func = QFunction(obs_size, n_actions)

If you want to use CUDA for computation, as usual as in Chainer, call to_gpu.

When using Colaboratory, you need to change runtime type to GPU.

<__main__.QFunction at 0x7effb079e3c8>

You can also use ChainerRL’s predefined Q-functions.

[ ]:
_q_func = chainerrl.q_functions.FCStateQFunctionWithDiscreteAction(
    obs_size, n_actions,
    n_hidden_layers=2, n_hidden_channels=50)

As in Chainer, chainer.Optimizer is used to update models.

[ ]:
# Use Adam to optimize q_func. eps=1e-2 is for stability.
optimizer = chainer.optimizers.Adam(eps=1e-2)

A Q-function and its optimizer are used by a DQN agent. To create a DQN agent, you need to specify a bit more parameters and configurations.

[ ]:
# Set the discount factor that discounts future rewards.
gamma = 0.95

# Use epsilon-greedy for exploration
explorer = chainerrl.explorers.ConstantEpsilonGreedy(
    epsilon=0.3, random_action_func=env.action_space.sample)

# DQN uses Experience Replay.
# Specify a replay buffer and its capacity.
replay_buffer = chainerrl.replay_buffer.ReplayBuffer(capacity=10 ** 6)

# Since observations from CartPole-v0 is numpy.float64 while
# Chainer only accepts numpy.float32 by default, specify
# a converter as a feature extractor function phi.
phi = lambda x: x.astype(np.float32, copy=False)

# Now create an agent that will interact with the environment.
agent = chainerrl.agents.DoubleDQN(
    q_func, optimizer, replay_buffer, gamma, explorer,
    replay_start_size=500, update_interval=1,
    target_update_interval=100, phi=phi)

Now you have an agent and an environment. It’s time to start reinforcement learning!

In training, use agent.act_and_train to select exploratory actions. agent.stop_episode_and_train must be called after finishing an episode. You can get training statistics of the agent via agent.get_statistics.

n_episodes = 200
max_episode_len = 200
for i in range(1, n_episodes + 1):
    obs = env.reset()
    reward = 0
    done = False
    R = 0  # return (sum of rewards)
    t = 0  # time step
    while not done and t < max_episode_len:
        # Uncomment to watch the behaviour
        # env.render()
        action = agent.act_and_train(obs, reward)
        obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
        R += reward
        t += 1
    if i % 10 == 0:
        print('episode:', i,
              'R:', R,
              'statistics:', agent.get_statistics())
    agent.stop_episode_and_train(obs, reward, done)
episode: 10 R: 54.0 statistics: [('average_q', 0.3839775436296336), ('average_loss', 0.11211375439623882)]
episode: 20 R: 74.0 statistics: [('average_q', 3.356048617398484), ('average_loss', 0.08360401755686123)]
episode: 30 R: 66.0 statistics: [('average_q', 6.465730209073646), ('average_loss', 0.15742219333446614)]
episode: 40 R: 182.0 statistics: [('average_q', 9.854616982127487), ('average_loss', 0.16397699776876554)]
episode: 50 R: 116.0 statistics: [('average_q', 12.850724195092248), ('average_loss', 0.141014359570396)]
episode: 60 R: 200.0 statistics: [('average_q', 16.680755617341624), ('average_loss', 0.15486771810916689)]
episode: 70 R: 200.0 statistics: [('average_q', 18.60101457834084), ('average_loss', 0.13990398771960172)]
episode: 80 R: 200.0 statistics: [('average_q', 19.611751582138908), ('average_loss', 0.169348575205351)]
episode: 90 R: 200.0 statistics: [('average_q', 19.979411869969834), ('average_loss', 0.15618550247257176)]
episode: 100 R: 200.0 statistics: [('average_q', 20.1084139808058), ('average_loss', 0.16387995202882835)]
episode: 110 R: 68.0 statistics: [('average_q', 20.125493464098238), ('average_loss', 0.14188708221665755)]
episode: 120 R: 200.0 statistics: [('average_q', 19.981348423218275), ('average_loss', 0.12173593674987096)]
episode: 130 R: 200.0 statistics: [('average_q', 20.031584503682154), ('average_loss', 0.14900986264764007)]
episode: 140 R: 181.0 statistics: [('average_q', 19.969489587497048), ('average_loss', 0.08019790542958775)]
episode: 150 R: 200.0 statistics: [('average_q', 20.0445616818784), ('average_loss', 0.17976971012090015)]
episode: 160 R: 173.0 statistics: [('average_q', 20.004161140161834), ('average_loss', 0.1392587406221566)]
episode: 170 R: 104.0 statistics: [('average_q', 20.00619890615657), ('average_loss', 0.1589133686481899)]
episode: 180 R: 200.0 statistics: [('average_q', 19.988814191729215), ('average_loss', 0.11023728141409249)]
episode: 190 R: 183.0 statistics: [('average_q', 19.893458825764306), ('average_loss', 0.10419487772551624)]
episode: 200 R: 199.0 statistics: [('average_q', 19.940461710890656), ('average_loss', 0.15900440799351787)]

Now you finished training the agent. How good is the agent now? You can test it by using agent.act and agent.stop_episode instead. Exploration such as epsilon-greedy is not used anymore.

[ ]:
# Start virtual display
from pyvirtualdisplay import Display
display = Display(visible=0, size=(1024, 768))
import os
os.environ["DISPLAY"] = ":" + str(display.display) + "." + str(display.screen)

frames = []
for i in range(3):
    obs = env.reset()
    done = False
    R = 0
    t = 0
    while not done and t < 200:
        frames.append(env.render(mode = 'rgb_array'))
        action = agent.act(obs)
        obs, r, done, _ = env.step(action)
        R += r
        t += 1
    print('test episode:', i, 'R:', R)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation
import numpy as np
from IPython.display import HTML

plt.figure(figsize=(frames[0].shape[1] / 72.0, frames[0].shape[0] / 72.0), dpi = 72)
patch = plt.imshow(frames[0])
animate = lambda i: patch.set_data(frames[i])
ani = matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation(plt.gcf(), animate, frames=len(frames), interval = 50)
test episode: 0 R: 200.0
test episode: 1 R: 200.0
test episode: 2 R: 200.0

Once Loop Reflect

Recording video file.


# wrap env for recording video
envw = gym.wrappers.Monitor(env, "./", force=True)

for i in range(3):
    obs = envw.reset()
    done = False
    R = 0
    t = 0
    while not done and t < 200:
        action = agent.act(obs)
        obs, r, done, _ = envw.step(action)
        R += r
        t += 1
    print('test episode:', i, 'R:', R)
test episode: 0 R: 200.0
test episode: 1 R: 200.0
test episode: 2 R: 200.0

Download videos on runnning.

[ ]:
from google.colab import files
import glob

for file in glob.glob("*.mp4"):

You should remove video files.

[ ]:

If test scores are good enough, the only remaining task is to save the agent so that you can reuse it. What you need to do is to simply call to save the agent, then agent.load to load the saved agent.

[ ]:
# Save an agent to the 'agent' directory'agent')

# Uncomment to load an agent from the 'agent' directory
# agent.load('agent')

RL completed!

But writing code like this every time you use RL might be boring. So, ChainerRL has utility functions that do these things.

# Set up the logger to print info messages for understandability.
import logging
import sys
gym.undo_logger_setup()  # Turn off gym's default logger settings
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stdout, format='')

    agent, env,
    steps=2000,           # Train the agent for 2000 steps
    eval_n_runs=10,       # 10 episodes are sampled for each evaluation
    max_episode_len=200,  # Maximum length of each episodes
    eval_interval=1000,   # Evaluate the agent after every 1000 steps
    outdir='result')      # Save everything to 'result' directory
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/gym/ UserWarning: gym.undo_logger_setup is deprecated. gym no longer modifies the global logging configuration
  warnings.warn("gym.undo_logger_setup is deprecated. gym no longer modifies the global logging configuration")
outdir:result step:200 episode:0 R:200.0
statistics:[('average_q', 20.13107348407955), ('average_loss', 0.1130567486698384)]
outdir:result step:320 episode:1 R:120.0
statistics:[('average_q', 20.134093816794454), ('average_loss', 0.13519476892439852)]
outdir:result step:520 episode:2 R:200.0
statistics:[('average_q', 20.09233843875654), ('average_loss', 0.1332404190763901)]
outdir:result step:720 episode:3 R:200.0
statistics:[('average_q', 20.081831597545516), ('average_loss', 0.13068583669631)]
outdir:result step:901 episode:4 R:181.0
statistics:[('average_q', 19.99495162254429), ('average_loss', 0.09401080450214364)]
outdir:result step:1101 episode:5 R:200.0
statistics:[('average_q', 20.014892631038933), ('average_loss', 0.11939343070713773)]
test episode: 0 R: 200.0
test episode: 1 R: 200.0
test episode: 2 R: 200.0
test episode: 3 R: 200.0
test episode: 4 R: 200.0
test episode: 5 R: 200.0
test episode: 6 R: 200.0
test episode: 7 R: 200.0
test episode: 8 R: 200.0
test episode: 9 R: 200.0
The best score is updated -3.4028235e+38 -> 200.0
Saved the agent to result/1101
outdir:result step:1291 episode:6 R:190.0
statistics:[('average_q', 19.936340675579885), ('average_loss', 0.1115743888475369)]
outdir:result step:1491 episode:7 R:200.0
statistics:[('average_q', 19.923170098629676), ('average_loss', 0.1098893872285867)]
outdir:result step:1672 episode:8 R:181.0
statistics:[('average_q', 19.831724256166893), ('average_loss', 0.11151171360379805)]
outdir:result step:1842 episode:9 R:170.0
statistics:[('average_q', 19.753546435176624), ('average_loss', 0.10779849649639554)]
outdir:result step:2000 episode:10 R:158.0
statistics:[('average_q', 19.814065306106478), ('average_loss', 0.07133777467302949)]
test episode: 0 R: 184.0
test episode: 1 R: 200.0
test episode: 2 R: 179.0
test episode: 3 R: 174.0
test episode: 4 R: 198.0
test episode: 5 R: 179.0
test episode: 6 R: 185.0
test episode: 7 R: 191.0
test episode: 8 R: 198.0
test episode: 9 R: 188.0
Saved the agent to result/2000_finish

That’s all of the ChainerRL quickstart guide. To know more about ChainerRL, please look into the examples directory and read and run the examples. Thank you!

[ ]: